package de.jotoho.waituntil import java.util.Locale import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time.format.FormatStyle import java.util.TimeZone import java.time.Instant import java.time.LocalTime import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.ZonedDateTime import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit // This file contains the main function and other utility function necessary for interpreting the terminal arguments. // See and for license information // Author: Jonas Tobias Hopusch (@jotoho) val langGerman: String = Locale.GERMAN.getLanguage(); val applicationOutputLanguage: String = if (Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().equals(Locale.GERMAN.getLanguage())) Locale.GERMAN.getLanguage() else Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage(); fun waitUntilTimeStamp(timestamp: ZonedDateTime) { Thread.sleep( Math.max(, ChronoUnit.MILLIS), 0) ); val formattedTimeStamp: String = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.LONG) .withZone(TimeZone.getDefault().toZoneId()) .format(; when (applicationOutputLanguage) { langGerman -> System.err.println("Erfolgreich bis $formattedTimeStamp gewartet!"); else -> { System.err.println("Successfully waited until $formattedTimeStamp"); } } } fun calculateAndAnnounceTargetTime(userTimeInputRaw: String): ZonedDateTime { val userTimeInputRelative = LocalTime.parse(userTimeInputRaw); val userTimeInputAbsolute = ZonedDateTime.of(, userTimeInputRelative, TimeZone.getDefault().toZoneId()); val userTimeInputFinal = if ( userTimeInputAbsolute else userTimeInputAbsolute.plusDays(1); val formattedTimeStamp = userTimeInputFinal.format( DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.LONG) ); when (applicationOutputLanguage) { langGerman -> System.err.println("Dieses Program wird bis zum $formattedTimeStamp warten."); else -> { println("WaitUntil will suspend until $formattedTimeStamp"); } } return userTimeInputFinal; } fun main(args: Array) { val optionDictionary = mapOf(Pair("-h", "--help")); val options = HashSet(); val words = HashSet(); for (arg in args) { if (arg.startsWith("--")) { options.add(arg.substring(startIndex=2)) } else if (arg.startsWith('-')) { val translation = optionDictionary.get(arg); if (translation != null) options.add(translation.substring(startIndex=2)); else System.err.println("Short-hand '$arg' does not exist. Ignoring!"); } else words.add(arg); } if (options.contains("help")) { when (applicationOutputLanguage) { langGerman -> println("Hilfe kommt noch. (Nicht implementiert)"); else -> { println("Help is yet to come. (Not implemented)"); } } } else if (words.size == 1) { val target = calculateAndAnnounceTargetTime(words.iterator().next()); waitUntilTimeStamp(target); } else { when (applicationOutputLanguage) { langGerman -> System.err.println("FATAL: Es wurde exact ein nicht-flag Argument erwartet. (${words.size} erhalten)"); else -> { System.err.println("FATAL: Expected one non-flag argument. (Got ${words.size})"); } } System.exit(1); } }