#!/bin/bash #======================================================================= # FILE: cd-mount.sh # USAGE: cd-mount.sh [] # DESCRIPTION: # OPTIONS: # REQUIREMENTS: # BUGS: # NOTES: # AUTHOR: Jonas Tobias Hopusch # COMPANY: Fachhochschule Südwestfalen # VERSION: 1 # CREATED: 2023-01-10T16:32Z # REVISION: #======================================================================= #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abort script if undefined veriables are referenced # and properly handle pipe failure #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set -uo pipefail #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script configuration #----------------------------------------------------------------------- imageFileEnding='.image' defaultTargetDir="$HOME/CDs/" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if fuseiso and fusermount are present #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ! which 'fuseiso' >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'fuseiso is not installed' exit 1 elif ! which 'fusermount' >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'fusermount is not installed' exit 1 fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine target directory #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ -v 1 ]; then targetDir="$1" else targetDir="$defaultTargetDir" fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Search for matching images #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #shellcheck disable=SC2006 readarray -t imageFiles \ <<<"`find "$targetDir" -type f -iname "*$imageFileEnding"`" \ >/dev/null 2>&1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Per Image, do the following #----------------------------------------------------------------------- amountOfImages="${#imageFiles[@]}" successfullyMountedImages=0 for image in "${imageFiles[@]}"; do # Count how many there are in total #((amountOfImages++)) # Validate that it can be accessed if ! [ -f "$image" ]; then echo "$image is not a regular file. Skipping." continue elif ! [ -r "$image" ]; then echo "$image is not readable. Skipping." continue fi # Determine the location the image should be mounted to and try to ensure # it exists mountDirName="${image:0:((${#image} - ${#imageFileEnding}))}" if ! mkdir -p "$mountDirName"; then echo "Could not create mount destination directory $mountDirName. Skipping!" continue fi # Check if there's already an image mounted at the destination #shellcheck disable=SC2006 fullPathMountDir="`cd "$mountDirName" && pwd`" if grep "^fuseiso $fullPathMountDir" /proc/mounts >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Something is already mounted to $mountDirName. Skipping" continue fi # Attempt to mount the image to the destination directory if fuseiso "$image" "$mountDirName"; then echo "$image has been mounted to $mountDirName" ((successfullyMountedImages++)) fi done echo "$successfullyMountedImages/$amountOfImages images have been mounted successfully"